experiments required
I wrote off paid ads as a business growth option for software. Years ago, we tried Google Ads, LinkedIn ads, Bing, and some other platforms.
After months of experiments, none of them added revenue. It felt like giving money away.
So I turned them off. Since then I've been in the Paid Ads Don't Work camp.
Fast forward. We're building a new product and a new company. I still don't want to do paid ads. But our marketing manager does and she wants to experiment.
Derek Sivers, in his book Hell Yeah or No, says "Old opinions shouldn't define who we are in the future." (here)
As much as I don't like paid ads, I love a good experiment.
So we're running ads. Seeing what works. Learning what we can.
I shouldn't let old opinions define our new company. three ways I'm working on this:
Noticing when "I never do [x]" or "We don't [x]" statements cross my mind. Statements are rigid. We need to be flexible.
Surrounding myself with people who are keen to experiment (and challenge me)
Writing about it here ;)
Of course, this isn't just about ads. It's about every opinion. Like Paul Graham's "Strong opinions, loosely held," it's important to stay flexible and open to re-try things. What didn't work before may work today. And vice versa.
For me, it's paid ads. What's an opinion you're holding onto that may be holding your work back? Reply and let me know.
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