It’s in the bible: Manage the little things well and you will be trusted with the big things.
It’s in a pattern among billionaires: Talent isn’t the secret sauce, it’s showing up every day.
It’s in champion athletes: Every basketball player shooting free throws at 10pm on Friday. The motocross kid down the street doing barrel runs until he runs out of fuel.
You show up. You do the little, boring, maddening repetitions.
This takes different shapes for everyone.
It can be doing a daily email to force reflection (thanks for reading these).
It can be making 10 phone calls to prospective customers every day.
It can be doing one more (always one more) quality check.
If you hate doing something in your business, odds are good that your competition hates doing it too. And if you can grind through, turn the thing you hate into a daily habit, I bet you win.
To being boring AF,
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