simplify the message
We have a bunch of videos on YouTube. The channel' is Marketplace Growth.
I asked a friend what he thinks of the videos. Now, this friend owns and runs a big tech company. He’s smart and a shrewd operator.
He called our videos “basic.”
I take that as a compliment. That’s what we’re aiming for -- a starting point, a base level of knowledge.
It’s validation of what we’re doing to be called basic. We wrestle with this every week... and in fact asked ourselves this question today before recording another video:
How deep and detailed do we go in these videos?
The answer so far is “not very”. And it seems to be working.
We don’t have many subscribers. Videos get dozens of views (calling it dozens may be generous). But people connect with us and ask for more information.
There are three things that stand out to me:
Had we assumed that everyone knows the basics, we would have made complicated videos with harder-to-build workflows and strategies
The people we speak with treat the “basic” videos as a starting point for a conversation. It’s amazing to me how many calls start at the basic stuff and end up in the deep details.
We wouldn’t have as many customer conversations if we did nothing but deep dives.
There’s a time to write the definitive guide or record the university-level lecture. But the basic stuff makes a strong first impression that leads to the deeper, more strategic relationships.
Simplify the message as a starting point. Go deep after making the connection.
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