a big shot is just another shot
People make a huge deal out of clutch shots. Thing is, it's just one shot. If you make a thousand shots a day, it's one of a thousand. Once you're hitting that many, what's one more?
Clutch shot or just another experiment. Get the reps in.
Learn what works. Feel what doesn't. There are fundamentals in business like there are fundamentals in basketball.
Shoot free throws by the light of emergency exit signs <> Do copywork at a dimly lit kitchen counter
Practice footwork to break through a screen <> Keep an eye on competitors and jump into the conversation when they raise prices
Dream in X's and O's <> Write down all your go-to-market playbooks so you can dream about them too
There are other things, too. Run ad experiments. Turn things off even when 'everyone does it.' Role play sales calls. Heck, role play sending and receiving emails (I might try this one this week).
Kobe no doubt felt pressure and stress. Instead of looking at his career as a series of victories and successes, flip it around.
Every championship career is built on more losses, misses, rejections than wins, clutch shots, and easy yeses. It's the little improvements that come from taking a thousand shots that make free throws easy. Same with copywriting, sales, email campaigns, managing people, setting strategy, etc.
Every day is a chance to work the fundamentals.
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PS: One more. Practice making decisions every day. Listen to the feedback and work to make better and better decisions. That's the ultimate level-up for any business.
PPS: This note reads a bit inspirational and maybe preachy as I review it this morning. It's written to "me" of yesterday, a year ago, 10 years ago. I hope it's helpful, not an eye roll.