don't stop me now, i'm having a ball
This exercise helped me do fast reviews. Quarterly reviews. Campaign reviews. Any sort of look back.
Start. Stop. Continue.
It's three simple questions:
What should we start doing next time?
What should we stop doing?
What should we continue doing?
Continuing is easy. Once momentum takes hold, inertia makes it easy to keep going.
Starting is usually fun. I like starting new things.
It's stopping that always seems to get me, well, stuck. It's also where I bet a lot of teams could get tons of benefit.
What are we doing that is costing more than it returns? In terms of money, energy, or time?
To fight my default to start new things and keep doing what's working, I try this thought experiment:
What's the worst thing that happens if we stop doing [X]?
Who would miss [X] if it just went away and we never talked about it again?
If it turns out that nothing bad is likely to happen and nobody would really care, try stopping. What's the worst that could happen?
Until tomorrow, when these emails continue...
(189 / 500)
PS: All that said, Freddy may be right.